Monday, December 5, 2011

The Best Sahne Schlagers in Munich

German cakes aren't nearly sweet as their American counterparts.  No mountains of buttercream frosting or sugar coatings that make your teeth hurt.  Instead you'll find cakes with a simple streusel topping or a thin layer of ganache.  There are two words for German "cakes;" Kuchen refers to a sort of coffeecake like cake and Torte is a fancier layered cake.
Kaffee und Kuchen (Coffee and Cake) is a big deal in O-Haus 821 (my apartment).  We have tried several kinds of cakes, Swedish Visiting Cake, Banana Cake, Pumpkin Cake, and the most frequented, Heidi's Apfel Kuchen.  Most of these cakes need a little something to bring them to greatness, that's where the Sahne comes in.
Schlag Sahne is whipping cream.  You come to appreciate it on a whole new level when you are working without the glorious KitchenAid.  Ohh the small things in life we take for granted...  I only have the barest of necessities here so we end up schlagging our Sahne by hand.  Needless to say, we've got it down to a science.  We have learned to put the Sahne and bowl in the freezer for a bit and often end up doing the bulk of the schlagging outside on the balcony (it works best if it's cold).

Heidi and I preparing to schlag a crazy amount of Sahne on Thanksgiving day.  

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