Kaffee und Kuchen (Coffee and Cake) is a big deal in O-Haus 821 (my apartment). We have tried several kinds of cakes, Swedish Visiting Cake, Banana Cake, Pumpkin Cake, and the most frequented, Heidi's Apfel Kuchen. Most of these cakes need a little something to bring them to greatness, that's where the Sahne comes in.
Schlag Sahne is whipping cream. You come to appreciate it on a whole new level when you are working without the glorious KitchenAid. Ohh the small things in life we take for granted... I only have the barest of necessities here so we end up schlagging our Sahne by hand. Needless to say, we've got it down to a science. We have learned to put the Sahne and bowl in the freezer for a bit and often end up doing the bulk of the schlagging outside on the balcony (it works best if it's cold).
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Heidi and I preparing to schlag a crazy amount of Sahne on Thanksgiving day. |
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